Skilled Workforce

Young, Skilled and Competitive Labor Force
Georgia offers young, highly motivated, multi-lingual and well-educated workforce. Majority of younger population speaks fluent English and additionally, Georgia has language skills to serve German speaking countries.
The total workforce is 1.6 mln people and 55% of the workforce is 44 years old or younger. According to ILO, labor productivity growth is forecasted at 5.8%.
Georgia has the very flexible Labor Code. All ILO core conventions are ratified by Georgia. In addition, working permits are not required in Georgia and citizens of 98 countries can stay in the country without visa during whole 1 year, this helps attract professional employees from other countries in the wider region.
Education and Skills Development
Labor Legislation
The Georgian labor code provides extremely flexible conditions for employment. There is no minimum wage, creating conditions where compensation for labor is based entirely on an agreement between employer and employee.